Life Goals Inspiration x Make it real.

by - 6.12.16

Hey readers, let's talk about Life Goals...

 I know everywhere you turn you see somethings that you obviously want in your life and you just be like "#LifeGoals I want that". Rather it be a new career, starting your own business, a clothing line, a makeup line whatever you want. 

At our ages in the 20s it's always something we want, but now as we begin to actually grow into our own person aka real adults outside of our parents and just being known as their kid. We're finally realizing that we are by far our life's captain! We can really make our Life goals become reality! We can there's no Highschool holding us back and we barely have hardcore stress, the most we have are wicked college loans, but with all of that in conclusion what is stopping us from achieving our dreams? Nothing! That's right nothing. I'm sure we have stuff we deal with in our day to day lives, but come to think about it you can make excuses 24/7 but those excuses are adding what? It's adding 0 to your bank account. It's adding 0 to your dreams and it's adding 0 to your future and your goals. 

Sure it's a lot easier to doubt about the goals you have... Sure they are pretty huge and you have no idea how to get yourself up and going to reach them, but that's just it. Starting unsure, standing on that limb isolated that's where you have to jump for it. Find that inner beast that's hungry to be successful, that's hungry for a new wave of life that you honestly can't attain unless you stop making excuses and just go for your goals. Be a savage for what you want out of your life.


The people that you see with things you may call Goals, they all had to start at point 1 like you have to start, we all have to start at ground low  to get at that great somewhere destination place that we want to be. Thing is none of us has the perfect map trail on the road of success and the road to success isn't one with fresh flowers nor a little lemonade stand when you're thirsty. The road has bumps, it has sleepless nights of research and falls too, there's also a little bench on the side when you feel like second guessing and wondering if you made the right turn, but all of those things just makes you thankful when you reach your goal because those many situations make you for the extreme better. 

Here's my own inspiration for you my readers. 

1.Instead of making a "Wish List" make a Goal List. You don't have a genie! Write down a goal you want to reach daily that'll help you get to your biggest goal. 

2. Find a person that's achieved what your goal is and study them. See what they've done and incorporate that into you work. The more information you know, the more it helps you. 

3. Eliminate all the doubts you think in that mind and say from your mouth. There are zero Excuses! Excuses doesn't live with you anymore. The biggest mistake is being your own setback remember there's no such thing as impossible, you can make anything happen.

 4 make a Vision board. Find photos of what your goals in life are and place the board in your site everyday to keep you encouraged daily, once you see what you're building yourself towards you'll be good. 

5. Remove any toxic and negative people from around you! This is very important because the company you keep is the strongest reflection of you. If you want to reach your goals and accomplish a dream your friends should encourage you to push forward, but if your crew is doing opposite and sowing seeds of negativity? Cut them off. 

The 6th and final piece of inspiration advice is to Pray to God for strength! Jumping into a field of new beginnings and going towards a goal in your life can be a challenge and sometimes it's hard. Starting your career that you're passionate about is tough, you may get low on money, you might not even have enough cash to go out to eat at your favorite place, but you know without a doubt all your hard work will pay off. That's when you have to keep your faith and trust God that'll he'll help you get through it. God does have a plan for all of our lives and as we reach a stage of noticing that God wants more out of our lives than what we settle for we'll see his plan. Okay this topic is at its end and I hope everyone of you who's reading this will go out make their goals into a reality. Life is too short to live it boring. Trust that you got this, believe in yourself, take those steps of faith and work hard for the life you want. Remember Miracle Loves You!

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