believe in yourselfBoss babeDaily inspirationDreamsGirl bossgo get it girlGoalsGodmotivationpromiseWork
Daily Inspiration. Go after your Dreams.
Have you ever made yourself a promise to live a life that you dreamed of? Or to be your own boss, or whoever you want to be in life? Don't disappoint you! You go for your goal. Run after you dreams. If you lose sight of your goals by helping someone else achieve theirs and you're watching, still trying? Let it go and chase after your what's inside of you. I have this goal and promise I made to myself and yes sometimes it gets hard, but I know if I keep going I'll have what I dream about. But sometimes it gets so hard and tiring that I second guess my own goals in life and even wonder if it's even worth it. Nothing worth having comes easy. You have to pay for the life you want. And I tell myself it's so worth it. I can't stop nor will I stop because giving up is never an opinion! Starting a career or life on your own that you dream about is the most toughest thing to do, but once you achieve everything you said you would do that's the best prize you can win. You just have to keep pushing towards your goals one day at a time. Even at times it feels like there's no type of way? There is another way. It's so many ways to get to your goals. Think in ways that will get you there. It's so important to keep your mind clear and open going for a dream. It's easy to get distracted by what's going on around you, it's even easier to say "you know what!? I give up!" But don't. Face the challenge head on. Be a trailblazer in your own life! Conquer everything standing in your way. If it's getting harder.. Remember your goal is around the corner. Thrive to get it.
No things aren't as easy as you think, the harder the road the bigger the prize. Yes you may start to lose focus and slack up, but you see others living their dreams. I'm going to tell you this piece of inspiration. Stop looking. Start doing. Believe in yourself, don't doubt yourself. If God gave you a dream trust that he's going to give you the push to make your dream come to life. Success comes to those who continue to work pass a "No" or "Sorry next time". If you have a fire inside of you that burns beyond a negative you will have your success, don't let you down by anything or anyone. Surround yourself with those who encourage you, pray for you and believe in you! Remember your dreams comes from God. If God gives it you? God will bring it you... He's just waiting on you to put some feet to your dreams. Keep in mind if it can happen for another person, it can happen for you. The only thing that's between a dream and reality is the work. #GoGetItGirl