Just Jeans and A Shirt Please My Type Of Style.

by - 12.9.16

I have said this many times before that I'm just a jeans and a T-Shirt girl.. No matter what day it is, or what time it is I'll find a way back into my jeans and comfy shirt any-day. I don't know if it's a Florida thing, or if it's become my seal of my own branding for myself. Whenever you see me you know what I'm wearing. My style I feel like it fits my lifestyle perfectly! I'm laid back and I like to be in comfort and in peace with everything around me. With Jeans I can mold that 50 ways all by changing my set clothing I switch with it. 

 You really can't beat a good pair of jeans or a quality shirt that can take you outfit from "Basic" to "Creative" to five minutes of a choice. I'm very shifty when it comes to my looks because I want options, As a Stylist I know just want I'm going for. My favorite pair of jeans I feel like I wear daily are V.I.P Jeans I scored for 10 bucks at Ross, (Yes Ross) I love to save a few $$ :) it's literally the best investment of 10 dollars I have spent. Clearly I might have more jeans than anyone in my family to where my closet is on the verge of dipping at the moment...might be a jean addict, but whatever (Laughs) It's my personal style.. so readers whats yours?   



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