Remember when you're a kid, and you thought anyone that was in their 20s were like major adults and had everything figured out? Most of us basically imagined our lives would be on the level of with our friends hanging , or chilling at a coffee shop and going to our lofts in a big City.
We may not be living in a penthouse on the upper east-side, but we do have a very interesting life! Some of us are Models, Lifestyle/Beauty Bloggers with hot lives, Promoters, Socialites, or just regular people with cool social skills with tickets passes to go anywhere and awesome friends. To be honest being your 20's it's the most funniest, challenging and coolest thing we've experienced no matter what our jobs are. I think the common thing we can agree is that nothing solid!
Relationships/Dating? = New Phone who dis? in your 20's finding love is like finding a needle in a haystack! Either you who know the person you want and shoot your shot, or get the nearest side wanderer on the like list from two days ago. This time in our lives We all want the real thing like our parents, but sliding in the DMs isn't the most romantic way to any girls or guys heart, but hey it's doing the thang for some of em. Talking to people Vs hanging isn't really official, Keeping the options open seems to be the game these days.
Friends = Good vibes! I think we all learned our way at some point, growing up to the people we are now finding a good friend is hard to come by. Either people want to be your friend because you have something they want, You got the hook up, what job you have, You're friends with other people they want to be with, some they want to be a freeloader, or they just want to be fake and see you fail so they can get in line. We all need a good friend that's going to be your traveling buddy, and your on call hypeman when you're telling a story, someone who's going to build you up when you need it. POSITIVe FRIENDS! It's not about the number of friends you have it's about the true friends that's going to offer to pay for your pizza when you have 5 bucks in you pocket and forgot to bring your wallet, friend's who's going to drive you to store when you car is in the shop and ask if you need talk at 1am because they saw your status that you posted. We need that.
Help? Sure = I need help! Whoever said being in your 20's meant you'd have your whole life figured out to the T... was wrong from the time they took their breath saying that. The only thing anyone in their 20s is sure about are themselves, Family and a Job.. after that. Help is needed. Good thing we have our Parents. When life gets tough ask them for advice, there is no need to wonder through uncertainly when our parents has basically been there, done that, maybe more than that, but still can offer a drop of wisdom (and a plate of food) when it's needed. My mom has said before. "Being an adult is knowing when to ask for help."
Money, Job & Free Time = Our daily Lives. As we quickly became Adults.. Responsibility has turn out to be not the trickiest word to spell during a 5th grade test, but it's now a way of our life. But we can't be out here in these Fashion streets looking old because we got beat down by work. We are young, We should have fun. We are constantly trying to find the balance between Work, our Personal Lives and Free time, you may see us post photo's on our grams or even snap a few videos, but we rarely get enough time in the day to do the things we want.. Everyone has their own type of jobs they work at and the days off doesn't even seem long, but Some us are self employed bosses so that means we stay on call all day. As Drake said "I come alive in the night time" No we're not OVO, but we are some night owls. How we release the weeks looong journey are Dancing with our friends, hitting up the hottest concerts we're lucky to get our hands on for tickets, or just having a Baecation with our closest friends. We only have on life to live..we have to have some fun.
To sum it up being a 20 something is a roller-coaster! We have our dreams, our fears, good times and some pretty odd times, but we somehow manage to make it out alive without breaking a sweat. We're social Woke, We bosses on our own, We know what we want in our lives and we just get through our lives the best we can . Call us anything you want. But we out here living